Naming Rules for Computrons:
Computrons are to be named after small countries. Names of landlocked & coastal countries are allowed for Desktop Computrons. Laptops, notebooks, and other portable devices are named after island countries.

Naming Rules for Hard Drives and/or Storage Devices:
- Take the name of your host system. This is primarily for internal drives, typically the main C:\ drive. (See: Yemen, Bangladesh, etc.)Named after the drive's primary content (See: Work, Video, Audio)
- Named after a drive description (See: Flounder, Senegal's unreliable drive; Portabello, a large drive from a small country past; System, an often-used label for any computron's C:\ drive; Common, Luxembourg's D:\ drive since it contains all the personal documents and programs that all my computrons share in common.)
- Named after a...Name (See: Calvin, Hobbes)
- Named after a physical location (See: Kitchen, Upstairs, Office)